

我们的社会实用主义支持旨在帮助神经多样性的学生过渡到大学, 接触社会, 管理人际互动的挑战. 虽然我们的许多学生都患有自闭症,但社会语用学对所有学生都有好处.

什么是社会语用学? 基本上,社会语用学就是我们说什么和怎么说. 印第安纳布卢明顿大学的印第安纳自闭症资源中心描述道 作为一块蛋糕的社会语用学. “蛋糕是一个整体或格式塔,代表了许多成分的组合. 没有一种成分可以代表我们称之为“蛋糕”的可食用物品....以便在特定情况下传达适当的信息, 许多成分必须混合在一起 瞬时 时尚.“这些成分中包括非语言暗示, 语言和非语言信息, 表达清晰, 和韵律.

Landmark College has made it a priority to develop and refine social pragmatic services and programs for students that are integrated, 进步, 和以学生为中心. 我们的计划主要集中在四个方面:准备, 指令, 订婚, 和支持(请参阅下面的选项卡以了解有关这两个方面的更多信息).



One of the many things that make Landmark College a better choice for students who learn differently is that we constantly strive to provide the right kind of support for the wide profile of learners that come to the College. 本着这种精神, we have developed an early orientation designed for students who need extended support transitioning to college.



  • 原有状态的采访—You and your family will have the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive interview with a member of the Social Pragmatics team. 这些面试将作为你到达后我们如何与你合作的基础. 我们将分别联系学生和家长安排会面时间. 家长面谈通常是一个小时,学生会议往往更短. 我们将在2024年6月1日之后开始安排面试. 学生可以选择继续定期登记,直到抵达.
  • 专业室友选择—You will receive additional review to determine appropriate and effective housing and roommate assignments. 我们并不总能打出全垒打, 但根据我们收到的信息, 我们尽量找到最合适的室友.
  • 教育策划过程—You will participate in an online meeting with a member of the advising team to discuss your educational and personal goals. This person-centered planning process will also help us know you better so we can better support you. A graphic chart of the process will be available for students and advisors to refer to throughout the year.
  • 同侪团体发展(学生)-从2024年7月8日开始,你将被邀请参加在线社交团体. This will help in the development of a safe and comfortable peer group as you get ready for the full orientation program and the semester. 这些团体一直持续到抵达校园. 这些小组是关于校园生活的社交和信息的混合体. 学生可以选择他们想参加的活动/小组. 学生们会通过他们的Landmark电子邮件帐户收到这些活动的通知.
  • 家长工作坊,在学期期间,家长被邀请参加晚间在线研讨会. 我们将回顾社会实用主义规划,包括同行®,研讨会,活动和社会指导. 工作坊安排在美国东部时间周二晚上6点至7点. 会话被记录下来. 星期二将为家长举行早期的迎新会, 6月25日, 7月22日, 8月13日.
  • 优先级应用到对等体®-关系技能教育和丰富计划(同行)®)是针对积极学生的每周循证社交技能干预, 谁对学习交朋友和保持友谊的技巧感兴趣 and develop romantic relationships. 在每个小组会议期间, students are taught important relational skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills. 学术顾问将在同行中登记学生® 课程注册期间.
  • 提早到达(登记及入住)-学生周三到校, 8月21日, 2024年——在新一批学生到来的前一天. 学生将完成报到手续,并有时间入住宿舍. 为学生安排了社会活动. 邀请家长参加下午的工作坊. Students and families will have the opportunity to check in with social pragmatic staff throughout the day. 周四, students and parents will join new student orientation activities with the remainder of the incoming students and their families.


关系技能教育和丰富计划(同行)®)是一个每周一次的以证据为基础的社会技能干预活动,对象是积极进取的学生, 谁对学习交朋友和保持友谊的技巧感兴趣. 在每个小组会议期间, students are taught important social skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills. 同行® 是一个学期的课程吗. 学生参加同行® 在与学术顾问进行课程注册期间.  已注册课程? 没有问题. 只要让你的学术顾问知道你想要包括同龄人® 在你的课程安排中. 

什么设置了同行® 它的基础是基于证据的实践. 具体的技能可以帮助你与你想成为朋友的人交朋友并保持友谊, 和/或和你想约会的人约会. 了解更多信息请点击 点击这里. 同行® 不打算成为一个交友小组吗. 更确切地说,这是一个你将学习帮助你交朋友的技能的项目. 然而, Some of the people in your group may become your friends because of the shared experience. 

我们的许多学生觉得他们已经具备了同行中所展示的技能® 会话. 为你, the value of these discussion-based 会话 will be in practicing these skills within different situations and with different people. 通过知识的分享, you can teach other students something new and possibly learn something that will help you feel even more confident. 


许多学生完成同龄人学业® 享受与一群同龄人聚会的机会® 来练习行为排练, 扮演游戏, 以及他们在同行中经历的聚会® 会话. 此组用于同行® 仅限毕业生,并由认证的同行领导® 教练. 学生回顾同龄人® 规则和步骤以及具体技巧的练习. 参加这个小组不需要注册. 


This weekly drop-in discussion-centered group focuses on the more nuanced aspects of relationships. 主题包括但不限于:边界, 同意, 身心健康, 信任与安全. 健康的关系 is hosted by neurodiverse Social Pragmatics staff members on campus and on-line. 在学期中,主题可能会根据学生参与者的兴趣而改变. 


在春季学期, 随着学生们为暑期工作和实习做准备, we partner with 职业生涯的连接 to offer a series of discussion and instructional 会话 on workplace behavior. Topics include interacting with colleagues, appearance, informal expectations, phone use, etc. 


基于同行® 为年轻人提供有关约会和恋爱关系的课程. 这些课程包括“如何告诉别人你喜欢他们”,”“邀请某人约会,“去约会。,“约会的注意事项。.“我们提供这些会议与同行分开® 系列作为我们的经验,已经有许多同行® 学生们对约会不感兴趣, 尤其是在他们开学的第一个学期, 但在他们里程碑式的职业生涯后期,他们正在寻求这种指导. 

社会语用学提供员工支持的在线活动以及校内和校外活动. 所有社会语用学主办的活动对所有大学生开放. These include Thursday and Saturday trips and activities and weekly hybrid (on-line and on-campus) offerings. 周四的旅行是在晚餐后到当地的基恩,新罕布什尔州或布拉特伯勒,佛蒙特州的场馆. 每月我们提供一个星期四的校园活动,是免费的. 星期六的旅行是一整天的短途旅行. 2023年,其中包括佛蒙特州自然科学研究所, MassMOCA, 篮球名人堂, 以及史密斯学院植物园.


欢迎在校学生加入校友食堂的社会语用学餐桌. 这张桌子欢迎任何有兴趣和大家一起吃午餐或晚餐的人, 周一至周五. 该表格由社会语用学专业人员和学生员工协助. This is a great place for students to practice conversation skills and get to know other students.


我们鼓励学生参与服务活动和就业. 社会语用学为学生提供就业机会® 助理(辅助讲师), 餐桌主人, 事件和活动支持, 咖啡店主持人(戴维斯大厅), 游戏之夜和讨论小组主持人.


所有参加同行的学生都包括社交辅导® (同行001/003). Students may elect to continue working with their social coach throughout their time at Landmark College after the completion of the 同行® 会话. 社交辅导包括回顾每周同行的步骤和规则® 会话,练习同行® 行为排练, 制定参加校园活动的计划, 并回顾任何阻碍学生完成同行的挑战® 家庭作业.

学生不在同龄人中® program who are managing situational social challenges can request meetings with a social coach depending on availability.







  • 什么设置了同行® 它的基础是基于证据的实践. The concrete skills help you make and keep friends with people you actually want to be friends with, 和/或和你真正想约会的人约会. 点击这里了解更多信息.

  • 不一定. 同行® 不打算成为一个交友小组吗. 更确切地说,这是一个你将学习帮助你交朋友的技能的项目. 然而, some of the people in your group may actually become your friends as a result of the shared experience.

  • 为了使计划有效, it’s important to work with people you are comfortable being around and who are comfortable being around you. 当我们把学生和能接受的同学放在一起时,我们会考虑到这一点.

  • 我们的许多学生觉得他们已经掌握了这些技能. 为你, the value of these discussion-based 会话 will be in practicing these skills within different situations and with different people. 通过知识的分享, you can teach other students something new and possible learn something that will help you feel even more confident.

  • 没有人被要求参加同行®. It’s important that you are making the choice to participate in order for the program to work for you. 如果交朋友或约会对你很重要, 然而, 你在过去已经发现这些事情具有挑战性, 同行® 可能会有帮助. 大多数尝试同龄人的学生® 选择坚持下去.

  • 是的! 学生可以尝试同龄人® 几个星期后才决定是否继续参加这个项目. 一旦你决定做同行®,我们要求你定期出席.

  • 同行® 是一个学期的项目吗.

  • 建议每组人数在10 - 12人之间. 每个学期我们通常提供4 - 5个peer® 会话.

  • 我们的约会训练营在以下方面与学生合作:

    • 让别人知道你喜欢他们
    • 邀请某人约会
    • 约会该做什么和不该做什么
    • 约会
    • 如何解决冲突
  • “没有同龄人®, I don’t think Gavin’s transition would have been nearly so smooth or successful—so not fraught—nor would he have gotten a glimpse of how thrilling and enriching the college experience can be in nonpandemic times. 如果不是因为同行,我不知道他会有多兴奋® providing him that window into the great exploratory and experiential and relational adventure that is college life.”


  • “同行® 真的改变了我的生活吗. 成长的过程中, I was always struggling in trying make friends as well as when it came to socializing outside my family. 但在加入同行之后® I did not just only gain social skills, I finally started to gain friends that I could rely on!”



    “我认为这是对等的® has given me a lot of the language and conceptual ideas to label interactions that I have been actively experiencing, and allow me to reframe them in new ways that allow me to better navigate and understand the circumstances that I run into.”

    -Gabrian R.西点军校,弗吉尼亚州
